Top 10 computer science careers

Here are the top 10 computer science careers in 2023 and what they pay, according to Indeed:

  1. Software Engineer: $110,140 per year
  2. Data Scientist: $122,840 per year
  3. Information Security Analyst: $105,330 per year
  4. Computer Network Architect: $113,880 per year
  5. Full-Stack Developer: $108,530 per year
  6. Cloud Architect: $122,810 per year
  7. DevOps Engineer: $110,120 per year
  8. Mobile App Developer: $105,280 per year
  9. Database Administrator: $95,140 per year
  10. Web Developer: $78,300 per year

These salaries are based on data from Indeed’s job postings and are not guaranteed. The actual salary you can expect to earn will depend on your experience, skills, and location.

These are just a few of the many computer science careers that are available. The field is constantly evolving, so there are always new and exciting opportunities emerging. If you are interested in a career in computer science, there are a number of things you can do to prepare. These include:

  • Getting a degree in computer science or a related field.
  • Taking coding classes and other courses that will help you develop your skills.
  • Getting an internship or other work experience in the field.
  • Networking with people in the industry.

By taking these steps, you can increase your chances of landing a great job in computer science.

This post was created with the help of AI. A human editor reviewed and revised the content as needed.